
“Smart HoHoSkips” Self-recycling
Rules for Users

  1. Segregate construction waste into inert and non-inert waste correctly in advance.
    • * Inert construction waste includes rock, rubble, boulder, earth, soil, sand, concrete, asphalt, brick, tile, masonry or used bentonite
    • * Non-inert construction waste includes bamboo, wood, plants, glass, packing waste, and other organic and metallic materials
  2. If the construction waste is mixed with inert and non-inert waste, it shall be deemed as non-inert construction waste for weighing, placement and payment.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to weigh the inert and non-inert construction waste at the designated location, place it in the correct storage area according to waste type, and pay the fee. After placing the waste, the user must close the storage compartment door themselves.
  4. If the construction waste is too large or heavy for weighing (>300kg), please follow the on-screen instructions to put the waste directly into the correct storage area. There is no need to weigh the waste. This waste will be regarded as weighted one tonne, and a one-time fixed charge will be charged for $71 for inert waste and $200 for non-inert waste.
  5. The entire collection service is completed after opening the storage door, weighing, placing construction waste, closing the door, paying and returning the used equipment to its original location.
  6. The contract value of the involved project must be less than $1 million to use the service. Otherwise, the contractor is required by the law to open a billing account for the contract for disposal at government waste disposal facilities and shall dispose of the construction waste themselves.
  7. The self-recycling facilities receive construction waste only. If only furniture is to be disposed of, users should dispose of it to the public refuse collection points managed by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department for disposal.
  8. For each service transaction, no more than half the volume of a waste compartment of a Smart HoHoSkips is accepted. If the waste exceeds this quantity, please consider booking the "HoHoSkips" Collection Service for disposal.
  9. Each premises can only use the service up to three times per month.
  10. Put loose or fragmented construction waste in bags, which must be tied securely before using the service.
  11. Divide the construction waste into as many bags as possible for easy handling if it is heavy.
If the above requirements are not met, the service user may be held liable.
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